Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Subway Sandwiches and Silent Library

Dear Subway,
   How do I put this gently...I.Love.You. See how that was in caps....that's how much I love you. You provide me with yummy food (that's somewhat good for you) and is somewhat cheap! You provide amazing cookies, which I love, and bags of non-loud-crunching bags of Sun Chips, which I also love!! Subway please never leave me...that would make me uber super duper sad. When I'm sad, it tends to spread to others around me (totes not my fault, I swear!!) I want to thank you for my chicken teriyaki samwich with American cheese, lettuce, toe-may-toes (I like to spell it that get over it.), and a small amount of mayonnaise. The only beef I have with you is the amount of mayonnaise you put on my food, JUST A BIT DOES NOT MEAN GOBS OF THE WHITE STUFF, but that's the only problem my love.
           Looking forward to my next delicious journey to your restaurant,
                                                      Halley ( who is mighty full I must say...)

p.s.- since you put too much of mayonnaise on my chicken teriyaki...I took like 5 packets of sweet-n-low from you....we're even now!

Dear Library,
   As a young child, you was my Narnia. I went went there when I had no clue I was going to or I was forced to ( darn you Accelerated Reader program...even though I totally rocked you..). So imagine my shock as to learn that you are open to 11:00 at night! That's right, I said NIGHT! I put on my pretty awesome backpack and trudged up the Holy Hill (my school is the highest point in MS...I kid you not.) to your magic door. Not only was it quiet as a chicken trying to escape from Col. Sanders chicken coop, but there was people there on their own free will (haha, that was a lot of theres!!). I stayed in your wonder for an hour...I think I'll come back again tomorrow...just promise not to randomly produce man goats. kthanksbye!
                                 Not done with you yet,

so this day went by pretty good...i got good food, studied, and cleaned my side of the dorm. the only downside was walking up and down the stairs...hmmm, a letter my be written to them sometime. since i don't have anything to say and its late ( daddy always tells me that nothing good happens after 11:00, I've never really snuck out to see....does anybody want to do that for me??) so goodnightspice from the top of the Holy Hill!!'s not really called the Holy's Blue Mountain...

                                                signed, Halley

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mista Michael Buble...

Dear Michael Buble,
   Your song " Haven't Met You Yet" makes my better...never fails. Just thought you should know if you ever happen to google your name and come to my wee little blog right here. And you happen to do that, that would be stupendous!!!
       Bouncing along to the beat,

p.s.- if you people haven't heard this song yet....get to it children!!!

This day has been an eventful one fo sho! The knee doctor, homework, and lazing around in my sweats (the life of a college freshie...tough i know.) But listening to this song made me smile after a long day of battling the dreaded insurance papers...oh vey!!

BUT....I got kinda sorta good news. All's good in the Halley side of the dorm room! Now time for bed!

Signed, Halley

Monday, September 6, 2010

Just a couple of letters for ya...

Well that was a speedy break...but I'm back!!!

here's some short letters that I hope you enjoy...but I don't really care if you don't...but if you do that's awesome. I'll let you read now...

1.Dear Down Feather Pillow,
  I love you...plain and simple. Don't ever forget that.
             To Russia with love, Halley

2.Dear Murfreesboro (or the m-boro) Road Crew,
    You completely and utterly suck. Get a new life.
                 all my hate, Halley

3. Dear Cold Front,
     Get It's 97 degrees in the shade. That is all.
        Sweating like a pig by a roadside bbq stand,  Halley

4. Dear Sun,
     Why do you hate me so?
          Just wondering, Halley

5. Dear Clouds,
      I would love you if you covered up that fun-sucker of a sun right about now. Thanks, I owe you friends..
            fried and over heated, Halley

Now I will explain these letters to you because you wasnt we go!!

1. I love down feather all know what I mean...
2. I don't like confusing roads that have too many options...ahhh, it makes me insane!!
3. It was too dang hot to be playing ball outside...and I was playing ball outside. Where was my brain at this moment...
4.  And it really hates me somedays...
5.  They didn't...why am I not surprised....

just remeber, mud is to rednecks as champagne is to the French and Randy Orton is very nice looking...

signed, Halley


Hellloooo Internet users,
   If you are reading this now, you have discovered something great. Maybe even awesome...
Just kidding!! So let's start with the basics...
1. My name: Halley (hey-lee) and that's all you need to know right now...
2. My place of living: The Southern part of United States (I'll let you guess where exactly)
3. What this blog is about: what i see and experience in my life...and yes all of these things happen. no joke.
4. How did I come up with this idea: I didn' bff Brittany did...and she's the one making me write this all out for the world to see. So don't blame me, blame bff Brittany.

This all started out as a bunch of text messages between us and she decided that I was getting good at writing fake letters and describing things that I should let everyone see it! And that brings us to today. Trust me....we'll be having some fun!! I'm bored of writing so...bye!!

                 Signed, Halley

p.s.- Most of the letters will be old ones from back in the day (i.e. this summer). So enjoy the good ole days before college life started!!